Being still is one of the hardest things in this world to ever do. I mean seriously!!! Think about all the things you have to do today and then think about what you're probably not going to get done at all. Yeah, your brain is probably running so fast, you're blowing smoke out of your ears. Okay, now stop thinking of those things because you're only going to get stressed out about it. Just take a minute or two and just allow God to talk to you, regardless of where you are at. Seriously! It helps so much to take time and sit and just listen. You may have the urge to pour your heart out to Him and ask Him every question in the book, but have you ever noticed that most of the time when we do this, we never listen for an answer? I know I do this all the time. I ask God for help in certain areas in my life and then I tell Him about all the bad people I am upset with and for Him to take care of it. Then I start asking for things like where my life is headed and then I'm done. I had to take a deep breath right after that in order to write this sentence. How many of you (and me) actually just sit and listen to what God has to say? Don't run a to-do list in your brain, or what requests you have in your head, or even the fact that you may not even sit down to talk to Him at all..... just listen. Be still. Take a Bible, a notebook and pencil with you, ALONE, and be still, even if it is for 3 minutes of your day. At least you are starting somewhere. Just put your pencil down in your notebook and don't write. Just sit. Then write whatever comes into your head. If it is some "unknown" talking to you. Write it down. I have done this numerous times and I don't know what I am writing but when I go back and look at it.... I see that God has finally spoken to me. Finally?! You say. Yeah, I actually listened this time. Even if you are unable to do that, just sit and listen to the wind and the silence and just let God speak to your heart. This will relieve the stress in your life and your relationship with God will grow ever stronger because.... SURPRISE.... It's a two-way street instead of your pummeling Him with words. Do this and if you like, get back to me and tell how your experience was.... if you don't want to, just thank God that you were able to do so. It will start changing your relationship for the better. And because of this, it will change your life.
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