
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God is bigger than doubt

You know, these last few months have been a whirlwind.  Been unemployed, been employed, then let go, and jobless while trying to build a business living out of my parents' house that I've lived in since I was born.  Not really a college graduates dream life, right?  Well, I was very much under today.  Well first it was storming outside and quite honestly all I wanted to do was stay under the covers and just sleep through it.  Why?  Probably because Satan was attacking me and telling me that I am not good enough.  Honestly, you cannot tell me that you've never felt this way.  It just plain old sucks!  I was unmotivated, unhappy, depressed... how in the world can this all happen in one day to the next?  I was just fine yesterday!  However, the moment we let our guard down is the moment that we'll come under fire! 

I haven't been in the word the way that I should be or the way that I was back when I was actually extremely busy with work, school, business, trying to build a relationship, and actually studying God's word while living on my own and paying my own bills.  How was that less stressful than sleeping until I feel like getting up, doing basically what I want when I want with nothing really tying me down............ except.............. the fact that two reasons: one) i don't have a job, therefore no money, therefore I'm practically confined to the house, two) God is not present in my everyday life!  So, we're going to fix that!  I read more of Proverbs today.  I read three chapters on Sunday and then read my goal board (a visible place to put my goals so I cannot shy away from them) and it said to be more in the word everyday.  So, I decided to read 5 more chapters of Proverbs.  I truly believe I wasn't supposed to read the Bible yesterday.  I know weird, because God brought me out of my funk today.  He provided the book of the Bible that I needed to read with the chapters on the exact day that I needed them!  PRETTY GOSH DARN COOL, if you ask me! 

God is bigger than doubt.  Not just today but all the time!  Today I was reminded of that regardless of my situation, God is bigger than my issues and self-pity.  He can pull me out of anything I'm in at all times.  Sometimes He lets us "wallow" in it for a while so we can learn to reach out for Him.  When we do, our morale perks up as well as the fact that all of that doubt just disappears.  Are you doubting God today?  Why?  What is keeping you from having that relationship with Him?  It's a day-by-day basis but everyday it's worth letting go to let GOD! 


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