
Sunday, September 25, 2011


As most people know, I'm a very positive person!  I love to smile, laugh, meet new people... you name it!  Now what happens when are you faced with adversity? Does a positive person always stay positive?  No.  Ha.  Well, I am human.  However, how do you get through the hard times?  I can tell you that your attitude can say a whole lot!  Regardless of what you believe in, who you believe in (I believe in the Lord God, in case you were confused ;)), your attitude portrays the type of person you are.  Have you seen a homeless person that is actually happy?  I have.  Have you seen a rich person happy?  Yes.  Have you seen someone who has had their whole life stripped away from them; belongings, family, job, etc., happy?  Yes.   Why?  What in the WORLD do they have to be happy about?  Well, when you constantly believe that there is something better out there for you and you know that this is not it for you?  Your attitude can change drastically.  Your attitude depends on how far you can go in your life.  If you feel defeated and depressed and unhappy ALL the time, then you're probably not going to go anywhere anytime soon.  THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CANNOT HAVE THESE TIMES! I have them sometimes.  We are human, for goodness sakes.  But when you DWELL in them is when you are going to start having issues. "It's only over when you quit" is what Dave Ramsey says.  So regardless of what situation you're in, you can be happy and positive AND succeed!  It's amazing when you start looking at the positive side of things, how you're life can start to look different.  My challenge is this week, when something seems to be going wrong and it probably will feel that way or even BE that way, I challenge you to look at what good can come out of it?  What can you find that can make that situation turn out better just because you found the positive side of the situation?  I would LOVE to hear your story!   Please let me know what you discover!


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