I may not have been in sexual relations with anyone but I can honestly say.... this is the first time publicly that I will announce this.... that I have been in sexual sin. I know that part was already mentioned before... but pornography was (and sometimes) my sexual sin. I allowed images to flood my mind and crowd my thoughts. God was desperately reaching out for me and I was resisting Him. I was putting up the sign in my heart that I was available for anyone to come and take. I may not have physically acted that way WITH anyone but I did in my heart, my mind and my soul. I refused God. I can honestly say now that I have been seeking Him with all my heart, my desires to watch things I shouldn't or listen to things I shouldn't have gone away. There are times when I'm tempted but I consciously make that decision that I will not let it affect me and I turn to read about the one who truly has my heart. I took that sign down! I encourage those who have been in sexual sin or are currently in sexual sin, that you allow God to capture your heart. Allow Him to be the center and give Him everything you have. We are ALL tempted. Being tempted is not a sin. You must realize this. It's what you do with that temptation that determines whether or not you sin. Remember that the Devil tempted Jesus ALL THE TIME.... but Jesus refused EVERY TIME!!! Take your sign down and hand it over to God. I'll pray that your heart yearns to repent to Him. Pray for me as well that I continue to stay strong. I really do love those who I am able to reach with this. I just pray that you give God your all and never look back.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"If it's not for sale, take it down!!"
In some of my past blogs, I have talked about this very thing. I'm sure you've guessed it by now. Mark Driscoll's series "The Peasant Princess" is such a great series for both men and women. I encourage you to read, watch, listen to it. It provides so much insight into how a godly marriage should be that it's ridiculous. I've taken four pages of notes on just that series.
Anyway, this quote did not come from him but in his last sermon on the above series, he is reading out of Song of Songs. I am not sure of the passage...... I will look it up and get back to you, but he reads out of this book and near the end "My Beloved" (it never mentions her name) talks about how she grew up being a wall and not a door. She was building up the wall in her life to avoid men who were not godly and ones who wanted her for her body. She refused to be with those men and she wanted what God wanted for her. She was not the typical "Hollywood" beauty but she still refused the men around her until the perfect one came along. The door, as I am sure that you can imagine, is that person that opens up to anyone who asks or knocks. Anytime someone gives them the attention, they give them the go ahead to do whatever they please. Too many women, and men, these days give themselves away too early in life. Sometimes, it's not their fault, it could be because they were abused or raped. These are extreme cases but they happen too often. However, those who are freely giving themselves away to those around them are seriously seeking the wrong counsel. God is the only one the can fill that void.
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