
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

are you passionate for God?

I know I would like to think that I am a passionate person when it comes to God.  However, what I think and what I know are two completely different things.  I would like to think I am but if I look at my life.... I know I am not.  Lately, I have had a passion to do what God wants me to do.  What's funny?  I have been in school for six years to become a teacher.  Just this past Sunday, I realized how much I secretly hate teaching.  Isn't that crazy?  That is so much money wasted on something that I hate doing.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love children and I would LOVE to teach them..... about God.  However, in a public setting, that is not ever going to happen the way that I know I need to teach people.  But also, lately, there have been a ton of people who have come to me for advice and I love to answer those questions the best that I can.  I love to serve people in that way.  So, am I living my life with the passion for God?  I would have to say no.  I was not listening to anything that He wanted me to do.  I was going off of what other people told me that I would be good at and doing for the rest of my life.  The earliest memory I have is in my first grade classroom, my teacher told me that I would be a good teacher.  Ever since then, I thought that's what I was supposed to be.  In a way, I do believe this but overall I believe I am supposed to be teaching in other ways, not in the classroom.  It sucks doesn't it?  I wasted all of this money to realize this is not what I am supposed to be doing.  So, I did decide that I am going to finish out my education in this field and then once I get a job, I plan on going back for social work.  This way, I can help those who are less fortunate than I am because, honestly, that is where my heart truly is; with those less fortunate than me.  I love those people will all my heart.  So, now you could say from discovering over these last six years, I have not been living a passion for God, but for people who told me what to do with my life.  Now, I can honestly, say I know what I am supposed to do.  Now, I just have to do it.


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