This sentence hit me really hard in the middle of the night. I am going back and forth between reading books. This statement came from John Piper's "Don't Waste Your Life". Now, I took this statement as something that I can plug into every part of my life. My attitude, my classes, the way I treat people, my decisions, etc. I know that all sounds simple. However, I have talked with a lot of people that think doing things for Christ only means on Sundays, on missions trips, or when it is convenient for them. Let me tell you, nothing about being a Christian is convenient. That is why it is easy to choose the sin over Christ. God never said anything was going to be easy when we decide to follow Him. It may not be easy, but it is so worth it.

I was reading this first chapter and I actually read the same paragraph about three times before these words stuck out to me like neon lights in the sky. I started thinking, "What have I done in my life that God could say "Well done, my good and faithful servant."?" Those of you who know me, know that I have a movie collection that could put some movie stores to shame. I also have a huge heart for teaching inner city kids. I also have the intentions to be the best person I can be, though I fall short quite often. But, am I really doing any of this for God? I'm looking at my movie collection right now, thinking "When was the last time I actually sat down and watched any of those?" I have thrown away a few this Summer that I knew were hindering me from a relationship with God. But, are the rest as well? What about my teaching kids? Am I doing this because it's fun for me or is it what God wants me to do? I still struggle with this one. I have been told my whole life that I am supposed to be a teacher. It's definitely getting harder and harder to think that this is true, especially when it's getting harder to graduate on time. I do try to make sure my decisions and intentions are honorable but sometimes I get myself in trouble with friends and even enemies. As a Christian, I want my life to show them that I am the person that they can see has Christ living inside of her. If I push my Christian AND non-Christian friends away with my mouth and actions, what does that show them? Christ is not going to care about the "cool" things we got to do or the stuff we got to buy because of our massive paycheck. He is going to care about how we honored Him in what we were doing. If you want to go buy movies, then do it. I'm not saying you can't. My only question is, is the movie you are buying going to honor God? Now, let me ask myself that question.
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