
Friday, July 30, 2010

are we really any different from non-believers?

There are so many Christians out there that say that they believe and then go around and sleep with anyone that walks through the door.  Then they go out in the boondocks and do whatever they are able to because no one is watching.  You hear so many times of those "Christians" who get caught by the law doing something completely illegal that you are completely shocked and appalled.  But, really?  Are we different from these people? We all have our downfalls and our weaknesses.  We have morals but so do some non-believers.  What really makes us different than those non-believers who may believe that having affairs are wrong, or cussing is just not worth it?  As a Christian, I have troubles that I go through and sins that I do commit.  I do ask for forgiveness but so do other Christians but they use it as a back up plan.  There are Christians out there that do not use God as a crutch and just fall back when they have committed something immoral.  The famous phrase, "I can do this because God will still forgive me and love me."  But, as a Christian who struggles with sin just as the next person, what really makes us different?


Brandon said...

That is so true, if we really think about it. There are so many similarities between the two. Its so true about those Christians out there that are like that.

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