This is a legitimate question. You see Christians compromising who they are in order to hide from the world their true beliefs. It is almost like they do just about anything to blend in with the crowd. Why is that? Why aren't Christians shouting from the rooftops about their love for God and what He has done for them? Why is it such a secret? I am very much guilty of this myself and as I slowly learn how to give my life to Christ in every way possible, I am starting to realize what I would give to Him. I mean, He died for us, why can't we open our lives to others to show the difference He has made in our lives? If Christ died for us, I think we have enough reason to share who He is with the rest of the world. Part of the reason why I am doing this blog is for me but the other part is because I really want everyone to know the God that I am learning about. I want them to know Him the way that I am getting to know Him. It's amazing and beautiful. I say that's worth all the sacrifice in the world.
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