The beauty of childlike faith is the innocence and the faith a child has. My nieces and nephews have this faith inbedded in them that requires this childlike faith that adults seem to lose as they get older. I am to blame as well. As I grew older my childlike faith became less and less and then I started questioning God's love for me and His will for me. I have to remember that having childlike faith is having the faith that no matter what happens God will always be there regardless of if we believe that or not. We will falter and we will have our doubts but He always remains the same. The magnificence of childlike faith is when you are a younger person, whether it be a child or a young adult is seeing those grownups in our lives that still rely on God as if He were their one and only true love in the whole world. They still rely on God to fulfill their needs after years of knowing Him. They still adore God so much that they still cannot explain God in words but by continuously seeking Him to meet their needs. One of my uncles is one of those people. He may be older than me but he portrays that childlike faith I wish I still had. I pray that God helps me open my heart and mind in order to have that childlike faith for Him. I pray He does the same for you.
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