As a single person who's desire is to one day get married and have a family and life of my own, I can honestly say that I am okay right now being single. Not saying that I don't want to be with someone, but at this stage in my life, I'm okay knowing that one day that person that God is preparing for me is out there waiting for me. Leslie made a huge statement in her book that states, "And until we are content with Him alone, we aren't truly ready for an earthly romance that will stand for the test of time." Confession, I never thought of it that way before. She's totally right. This one felt like a punch in the gut; well, and a light bulb. If we are not able to make our relationship work with God when we are not in a relationship but with Him, how in the world would we EVER make a relationship here on earth survive anything past the first, "Hello"? We need to choose to live our lives according to what God wants and we need to choose to have a relationship solely with Him and Him alone. We need to learn to seek God in everything we do otherwise we are doomed for failure; and not because He wants us to fail but because we CHOOSE to fail. I mean, you wouldn't jump off of a mountain without knowing that something is going to catch or slow you down (parachute) before you splat all over the side of it, would you? Why would you want to jump into a relationship without the one thing that will make it last or survive? Now, that is just crazy nonsense. Once I started thinking about it this way, I started to realize that I was definitely not ready for a relationship at all. I need to make sure that I am seeking God and everything else will follow. I mean, yes, I do need to pull my own weight and still live my life, but seeking Him in all that I do. I cannot just sit around waiting for God to do His job when I need to do mine. I must go out and live life for His glory. If I sit around and just wait for life to happen, I'll be dead before I get anywhere. Think about the kind of life you would like to lead. Let's say it does not need to be in a relationship but, i don't know, in your school, career choice, even the things you buy; are you content with God before you start making decisions that could affect the rest of your life? Can you drop all of that and just be with God? I'm not saying to go do that.... I'm simply saying if He asked you to, could you? I'm still working on that. But, I can tell you I pray that if He does ask me that I will be able to go with Him, no questions asked.
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