
Saturday, January 29, 2011

surrendering to God

I constantly learn more and more about God's love and mercy every day.  Today was definitely one of those days and it was a long one but so fulfilling.  I often wonder by living my every day life, am I really surrendering everything I have to Him?  It is hard to figure out where that "line" is with what we are comfortable giving up to God.  However, in reality, are we supposed to feel "comfortable" at all?  Isn't being comfortable where we got ourselves today?  Being comfortable actually can be harmful to us.  You think Jesus was comfortable when He laid His life down for us?  You think the His disciples were comfortable when nearly all of them were tortured and eventually killed for spreading the Gospel?  I believe feeling comfortable would have kept them from doing any of that.  Being comfortable would have prevented us from knowing who God was because I'm pretty sure that if they were comfortable, they wouldn't have written the Word of God without being scorned... right (if that were the least of it) or killed for it. 
So, the real question is how do you surrender? The easy answer is seek the Lord.  Immerse yourself in His Word.  Submit yourself to good, godly teaching, and counsel.  Ask for prayer.  Ask for help.  Open your heart to the work of the Holy Spirit.  Look back at these words again.  Does any one of these sentences say, "But, if you feel uncomfortable with any of this.  It's okay, I'm sure we can work something out."  I didn't think so.  Now, it is not wrong to feel "comfortable" in your life.  I mean, we need jobs to purchase necessities and pay bills and afford to raise our children, right?  I mean, God does not say that you can't live with these, ever.  But, when we start relying on THOSE instead of Him, that's when we need to come to the realization that there is something wrong. 
I recently have discovered that I have a heart for the orphans and I was not sure where to go, who to talk to, which organizations to look at, if I am supposed to be in country or out?  I mean, there is a lot to think about.  I realized tonight that I can do as much research about different organizations as I can.... but other than longing more and more to go out and serve the orphans, where is that really getting me?  Once again, I am not saying that it is wrong to do that.  It is wrong to consume your life with those instead of God.  The last couple of days, I have been so excited to go out that I wasn't listening to God.  God says right now that I have to wait.  I am okay with this.  I know that I am supposed to serve orphans, now it's just on His timing.  So, as I wait for my assignment, I sit patiently, waiting, seeking, praying, reading, serving God in anything I can do right now, even if I am uncomfortable with waiting.  But, leaning on God to do the dirty work is so much better than trying to get that done on my own, when I know that my plans are not even close to as amazing as what He has planned for me.  So, I am surrendering to God.


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