Eric and Leslie share a story in their book about a woman who was married to a great and godly man. He was in a car accident with a semi trailer and the semi trailer rolled over on top of his car pinning him inside. At the hospital, the doctors told his wife that he would no longer be the man that she married. He would constantly need supervision, help cleaning himself, help feeding himself, and all around care. You could say that she took this opportunity to show the world but especially her husband, who had no idea who she was, the Christ-like love that God calls for us do share. She stuck by his side anyway. She cleaned him, fed him, dressed him, and cared for him the way she would have if he were ill. But, her husband was never going to get better, he was always going to be child-like. So my question for you is, would you stick by your spouse's side even if they may not remember you? Or would you flee from the situation and move on with your life? Karen chose to stay with her husband because she said that God called her to love and honor this man for the rest of her life. She made a commitment to love him through thick and thin. Could you be willing to show someone that kind of love? When that person is not longer able to meet your needs the way that you need, would you still be there regardless?
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