Sunday, August 15, 2010
Teammates are a big part of our world. I mean look at all the pro ball players we have. I am sure that you have a team that you root for pretty much 100% of the time. Maybe you have more than one team that you root for. Are you on a team? If so, how much do you rely on your team to get you through the game? How much do you rely on your coach to help you make the best move you can make during the game? I remember playing ball in junior high and high school. I do say that I miss those times. However, I remember a time, my last year playing softball, I was on the yellow team with a bunch of my friends and two great coaches. I am not going to lie. We were horrible. Seriously. We lost the first seven games of the season. Ha. I can confidently say that the other teams knew that we were the least of their worries. However, thinking back on it, my team had a hard time listening to my coaches the first couple games. We thought we knew best and would try to play individual games, though we were all on the same team. I can tell you, that never works. As you can tell, we were not good because we did not act like a team.
The last seven games of the season were the best of any season that I will ever remember. We won every game. We even had a triple header one night. We were exhausted. But, we started listening to each other and our coaches because we were getting sick of being known as the team that was easy to beat. We wanted to show that we were something to compete with. So, we opened our ears and listened to each others' advice and actually acted upon the advice. We started winning our games. We beat the hardest team to beat in the whole league the very last game. We were the team that was the easiest to beat in the league. Well, not anymore. It was the best feeling in the world.
Now what does softball have to do with anything? Well, I can say that having "teammates" in your life to help you through your walk with Christ, is essential. As you can see, trying to complete something on your own could be deterimental to your success. If you start opening your hearts and minds to those who could direct you in a way that is a Godly way, then your success will be twice as amazing then if you ever tried it on your own. "Our teammates can help us determine whether or not a relationship is from God based on the fruit they see in our lives as a result of the relationship." My roommate allowed me to see which relationships that I was in to see if they were godly relationships or if they were relationships that brought me down. I am so glad that she asked me this question because I am now able to use this question for current and future relationships I may have in order to know if they are God given.

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