Today is about singleness. Obviously. I grew up with friends, that since they were five have wanted to spend the rest of their lives with someone. I can understand that, I had that too. Now, some of these people are more empty now then they ever were and they have either had romantic relationships or have never had any kind of relationship. These people are unhappy but you have to ask the question why are they unhappy? They feel like they have not met or been with their better half and so they long for it. Guess what? I do too. But, "... if you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it." I truly believe this. I heard a very familiar quote this weekend that didn't hit me until I heard it again. A friend of mine said, "If you cannot live with your own company, how do you think someone else will want to?" This is a hard pill to swallow because I would love for my future husband to be able to live with me. Duh!! It's called marriage. But, what if I cannot live with myself without anyone else? That was a question that I had not actually pondered before. And it makes total sense. I need to be content in my singleness and when the time comes, my future spouse will be able to be with me too. "True contentment can only be found in an intimate love relationship with the Lord, not in anything else, including a romantic love story."

Where do you think your Earthly relationship will be founded? If you are unable to live with yourself and the Lord how is your romantic relationship going to survive? I have news for you, it won't. You need to be able to build an intimate relationship with the Lord and everything else including your romantic relationship will be stronger than anything you could ever imagine. God uses our loneliness or singleness in order to make ourselves a better servant to Him. He can use this as a guide for someone else to follow Him. Leslie states, "A true leader must have enough backbone to stand alone, even when the crowd wants to take the easy road home." This is so true in even the simplest of conflicts. Which food should I eat? Hamburger or salad? Which is healthier for you? Or how about which relationship should I be in? The one with the godly man or the one where I feel belittled? This may seem like an easier answer, but you have seen those relationships where women keep going back to the abusing relationship though it seems like the simple thing to do would be to get out. But, if these people were able to follow God with their hearts instead of physical relationships, then most of them would not be in their predicaments. You need to be a leader in God's will and show others the only way is through Him. The best time to do that is when you have just Him and you in the relationship.
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