I have often wondered how allowing God into every part of my life would get me closer to meeting my future husband? In reality, God wants us to seek who He is and better ourselves for Him. Having a future spouse is just a bonus. I believe God does give us desires of our hearts and I believe that He meets them, in His own time. But, how does not having a spouse now change the way I should be acting for my spouse later? My dad always told me that he had problems in high school about peer pressure. Okay, who hasn't been there? But, he said he remembered when he was a senior that there was a party going on that just about everyone and their mom was going to be at. My dad went. But, when he was offered a drink, he declined. The person that offered him that drink asked him why he wouldn't take at least one drink? Dad's response, "I want to be the best husband and father I can be to my future wife and kids. I do not want to ruin that by having one drink." OH MY GOSH!!! Seriously, I love my father. IN HIGH SCHOOL, my dad was thinking of how to love his wife and kids the way that God would want him to. With no question, my dad surrendered that part of his life so that way he could make a better life for his future family.
I had never thought about making myself a better person for my future husband until this week. I mean I'm 24 years old and I never thought about my future husband, except that I wanted one. Okay, but where does that leave me? God calls us to start preparing ourselves for our future spouses by starting now with seeking God first and all the rest will fall into place. In Proverbs 31: 12, it says, "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." All the days of her life! This means now. So, looking at the spectrum of how much life I have lived, I have wasted 24 years of my life waiting for my future husband instead of making myself a better person to be a better wife and mother. Why did I wait so long? God wants us to make ourselves better in Him for our future spouses. This may mean waiting 34 years before getting married to the person of your dreams, or you could meet them tomorrow. Either way, are you ready spiritually to be in a relationship that is lifetime of God-centered bliss? I know I am not. I am slowly getting there with the help of God but I know that with God's timing, He knows when I will be ready to meet him and he will be ready for me too. The question that Leslie posed for herself that I want to ask myself and ask you.... How would your future husband feel if he could see you giving everything you are to these relationships? If he could watch you freely giving away your heart, your emotions, and your physical purity--a treasure that belongs to him?
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