Thursday, August 26, 2010
Satan lies
Ha. Yeah, I know. Surprisingly enough we know this is true. But do we know when it is happening? I have been lied to so many times in my life, that I started believing what Satan was telling me. There are also many times when I would "commit" myself to God and then for some reason, I would fall back into the pattern of everyday life and continue on the journey of a God-less life. Beth had a good question posed to the reader. "I know better than this. I can't believe I've fallen for this again. My head knows good and well that this doesn't define me. Why can't I get that message to my heart?" I have had this feeling and I know I have talked with many of my friends who have also had this feeling of when they do something wrong that they feel so guilty for it (which we should feel convicted) that they feel like they should just give up because God wouldn't want them anymore. There are times where I have had this feeling. My head knows that this is not true, but my heart is so full of guilt, that sometimes it's so hard to get past that. You know what? I believe this is Satan lying to you telling you, you are not good enough to be in God's kingdom. He is telling you, you are not worthy of God's love. This is his way of making you feel that pain and remorse so much that we feel like we should just throw in the towl. I have had those moments. I have had that feeling of I should not even try anymore, because I know it's going to happen again, so why even try?
We are all human, so we are sinful by nature. So, I'll give you some encouragement. We all sin. Okay, that may not sound like encouragement. But, you cannot tell me that Billy Graham has never sinned a day in his life. Yet, he still preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. He still believes that God loves him with everything He is. Just because we sin, does not mean we are worthless. Sometimes those sins can be used for a ministry for those who feel like the world is over. You can use your mistakes and sins to reach someone else going through the same thing. In the Bible it says in 2 Corinthians 1:6 "If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer." This basically means that you are not the only one who suffers in this life. If you are suffering, it is probably because God has someone that needs your help and guidance through their suffering. So, take those moments of suffering and thank God for the opportunity to share with those around you. You are being used for His purpose. Satan may say otherwise, but we all know he is just lying through his teeth.
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