My roommate and I were talking today about the kind of legacy we would like to leave behind on this Earth. We started bringing up memories of people that we could think of that have had a huge impact on our lives, though they are not here with us anymore. There was one person that we kept coming back to. We knew her in church and in school and she was the mere age of 15 when she died. The last memory I have of her is when I was walking out of the school, during play practice, and she called me over to have a short discussion with her and her friends. I asked them what they were talking about and she had mentioned that they were talking about what Heaven would be like. She mentioned how she just wanted to be with Jesus more than anything and just couldn't wait to spend eternity with Him. I asked her if she could see herself getting older and having family and she just flat out said no. She said she could not see herself growing up and she just wanted to be with Jesus more than anything. That day was the day before Good Friday. She passed away the day that we recognize as the day Jesus died. The cool part about the story hasn't even begun. She left on that Thursday to go get her older brother with her mom to come home for Easter. She believed that this was one holiday where family needed to be together to celebrate Jesus' life. I made the realization, 9 years after her death, that she died serving God.
Her funeral was a week later and I cannot begin to tell you the amazing person that she was. She had touched so many lives, that they had to add chairs to the welcome center in the church to fit all the people who were showing up to her memorial service. The other cool part is, she believed that whenever she died that her body could be used for good because she wouldn't need it anymore. She not only witnessed to people while she was living, she witnessed to them after her death and continues to do that. However, she also literally saved lives with donating her body to save as many lives as she could. She motivated people to be better during her short life but also 9 years after she went to be with Jesus. How cool is that? Now, my question is for you, what kind of person do you want people to remember you as? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Do you want people to remember you as that partier who would go bar hopping every night or that person that would brighten a room with just one smile? I know what kind of legacy I would like to leave this world. How about you?
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